Agile Coaching Retreat event 2020 Day 2

After a great first day, dedicated to professional coaching, Tuesday brought us a more “agile” topic, “servant leadership”. It is a style of leadership where the leader puts himself in the service of his team and does everything to make his team successful. An agile coach has a large set of tools for this challenging group task, from facilitation techniques to systemic coaching.

For those who like to get up early and live in Europe, exactly at 5:00 the “Eastern” agile block of lectures started, with the topic “Empathy in action” which was dealt with by Shawn Chung. The central theme of this lecture was circles of empathy, which are specially designed to create a psychologically safe environment for listening, sharing and responding, no matter how different the group is. This group is built on empathic communication, an approach in communication that focuses on empathy and mutual understanding.

There is no doubt that reflection is one of the key tools in working with agile teams. It was covered by Quang Nguyen at a workshop entitled “Fresh, Fun and Effective Retrospective”.

For all those who want to work with highly productive teams, Prakash Aryal gave a speech.

Zahid Hasan, with his interlocutor Md Shah Jalal, showed how practical “servant leadership” is when it comes to the development of teams. When you manage to put your team in the center of your activities rather than yourself, know that you are on the right path; that was the key message from this workshop.

The European block of lectures and workshops on the topic of “servant leadership” started at 10:00. The first speaker was Martin Gilbraith, who talked about the skills, knowledge and behaviors that facilitators need to possess in order to be able to lead a team in a very diverse environment.

And how leaders should behave in an insecure and unfamiliar environment was spoken by Nairy McMahon, as well as what are the competencies that today’s leaders need in order to successfully lead teams and teach their team to brave the new reality.

The new way of working would be “new” only to the one who has slept for the last 6 months. Covid- 19 sent all the people to work from home. There were many problems, challenges, both technically, organizationally and emotionally. Lisette Sutherland shared her observations on how to adapt to the new way of working with the audience.

The “American” block of lectures and workshops was no less interesting. What are today’s virtual meetings like? Many say that they can be boring, tiring, but also that they can disturb us in their daily activities. Kirsten Clacey and Jay-Allen Morris made an effort to share their experiences through “The Remote Facilitation” workshop.

On the other hand, Jesse Fewell opened all of our eyes to notice that our creativity, motivation and excellence are literally right under our noses, and that all of this is just hidden beneath the surface of our daily lives.

Systemic coaching relations was the last workshop in this block, where Marita Fridjhon tried to explain in more detail the concepts of Systemic coaching relations, to try to look at the system, relationships and relations of all participants in the system through its prism.

From 22:00 Central European Time, the fourth three-hour block on the topic of “servant leadership” was held, this time for Latin America, in Spanish.

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