ICF recently released and updated competency model that will go into effect for credential applications in early 2021. In the new model, some competencies were re-shuffled and language clarified. What were 14 competencies that have now been condensed into eight powerful clarifications on what it means to be a competent coach?
The new model starts with the foundation: Ethics and Coaching Mindset
The focus of ethics shifts from not violating ethics to describing how the coach can demonstrate ethical practice. Additions include: Demonstrating personal integrity and honesty in interactions. Being sensitive to the client’s identity, environment, experiences, values, and beliefs. Using respectful and appropriate language. Maintaining confidentiality. These additions extend beyond the client to sponsors and relevant stakeholders.
Previously the coach was responsible for communicating the difference between coaching, consulting, psychotherapy, and other coaching professions. Now, under the new model, the coach is responsible for maintaining distinctions and referring clients to other support professionals as appropriate.
Still included is abiding by the ICF Code of ethics with the new additional requirement of upholding Core Values.
This viewpoint on ethics sets a high bar and draws a clear distinction from how coaches with ICF credentials are responsible for being with their clients. It also sets clear expectations for clients about what they can expect from an ICF accredited coach.
Next time: Coaching Mindset
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